Thursday, May 25, 2017

Dr. Israr Ahmed on the subject of Shia Sunni Unity

(17 Mar 1995 Jummah Khutba, Jama Masjid Darul Islam, Jinnah Bagh Lahore)
“If we won’t get serious on this issue now and if we couldn’t achieve shia sunni unity here in this country then God forbid our country Pakistan will break in to pieces, then it won’t belong to shia or sunni. Many people have hopes in this country. This country Pakistan is a result of a half century of struggles of the Muslims of the subcontinent. We got this ced # ountry after a million sacrifices.”
 Surah Aale Imran Ayat #64 Translation
Say (O Muhammad ): “O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah. Then, if they turn away, say: “Bear witness that we are Muslims.”
Dr. Israr Ahmed’s words regarding above Ayat
“Just Imagine Allah (swt) in the holy Quran is talking about the unity between muslims, jews and christans. It is not only possible to be united with other religions (Ale Kitab) but in fact Allah is ordering us to be united with them, so why can’t we muslims be united after all we believe in ONE God and the prophecy of Muhammad (p.b.u.h). This Ayat shows Quran’s Direction and what Quran Wants us to Provoke”
Dr. Israr Ahmed Presented 3 Main Goals To be Achieve Through this Unity
If we achieve Shia Sunni unity then,
  1. We can cut off one arm of terrorism in Pakistan.
  2. The path to achieve the enforcement of Islam in Pakistan can be even and it will be really easy to struggle for it.
  3. The Muslim block can become integrated and united in this region.
Dr. Israr Ahmed Never applied Takfir On Ahl-e-Tashaee Sect of Islam Infact He apposed it always, below is a translation of a Paraghraph from his Book
“I am not convinced to apply Takfir on Ahl-e-Tashaee sect of Islam, and never in my past I tried to impose takfir on them in fact I consider them a sect of muslims. That’s the only reason that irrespective of all my admiration for the leader of Sipahe Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) Molana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi and his honesty I never agree on his standpoint about applying takfir on Ahl-e-tashaee.  Therefore I never agreed or support his standpoint. After his death I was invited to attend a condolence seminar as a speaker but I refuse to go by saying clearly that,”when I never in his life agreed on his standpoint (against shia) so I would not like to give a speech in this seminar just to sparkle my politics.”

Above is another clipping from a book written by a great sunni scholar Dr. Israr Ahmed on the topic of “Need And Importance of Shia Sunni Unity”. I have posted few more clippings of his speeches in this book (with translations) below. This complete book is also available on the internet and its worth reading.  The link for this book is given below
Dr. Israr Ahemd praising the verdict of Sheikh Mehmud Shaltut Of Jamiat-ul-Azhar. Below is a clipping with translation from one of  the books By Dr. Israr Ahmed


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