Thursday, May 25, 2017

Sahaba martyred by muawiya

The ‘true’ merits of Mu’awiya bin Hind. Part (1)

Muawiya According to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
We read in Ahl’ul Sunnah’s book ‘Maqatil Husayn’ page 117 part 4:

“Imam Hasan reminded Mu’awiya of the occasion “when your father was riding a red camel you was in front of him and your brother Utbah was dragging the camel by its nose? On that occasion Rasulullah (s) cursed your father, brother and you”

Rasulullah’s cursing of these three individuals on this specific occasion can also be located in Waq’at Sifeen, Volume 8 page 185.
Ibn Katheer in al Bidaya wa al Nihaya, Volume 8 page 133 records this Hadeeth:

“If you see Mu’awiya on my pulpit then kill him”

Rasulullah (s) asked to kill Mu’awiya which negates the alleged ijma associated with his khilafah. To hold a position contrary to this is clear opposition to Rasulullah (s)
Abi Burza said: ‘We were with the prophet (pbuh) then he heard someone singing, so He (s) said: ‘Go and see what is going on there’. Thus, I climbed and looked, I saw Mu’awiya and Amr bin al-Aas singing, then I rutrned and told (the prophet). He (the prophet) said: ‘May Allah throw them in fitna (sedition) and push them towards hell’.
1. Mizan al-I’tidal, Volume 3 page 311
2. Siyar alam al Nubla, Volume 3 page 132
Imam Ibn Jarir Tabari records in Tareekh Tabari, Volume 5 page 622:

The prophet (pbuh) said: ‘May Allah curse the leader, the rider and the driver’ when He (s) saw him (Abu Sufiyan) on a donkey Mu’awiya leading it and his son Yazid riding on it’

Allamah Ismaeel bin Abul Fida in his famed history work also recrded:

Prophet (s) saw Abu Sufyan coming and Mu’awiya leading him and Yazid (Mu’awiya’s brother) driving him, so the Prophet (s) said: ‘May God curse the leader and the rider and the driver’.
Tarikh Abul-Fida, Volume 2 page 75

Ibn Mazahim records in ‘Waqat Sifeen’ page 218:

“Nasar narrated from Abdul Ghafar bin al Qasim who narrated from Adi bin Thabit who narrated from Bara bin Aazab who said that Abu Sufiyan came along with Muawiya, thus Holy Prophet (s) said: ‘May Allah curse the leader and the one being lead. Allah, send your wrath on Al-Aqi’as’. Ibn al-Bara’ asked his father: ‘Who is Al-Aqi’as?’. He replied: ‘Muawiya’.


Narrated Safena:
The prophet (s) was sitting, so a man on a mule passed and between his hands a leader, and behind him a driver, so Prophet (s): “May God curse the leader, the driver and the rider”. Narrated by Al Bazzar and his men are thiqat (authentic).
Majma ul Zawaid, Volume 1, page 113 Tradition: 437


We read in Waq’at Sifeen page 217 and Tarikh Tabari Volume 8 page 186 that Abdullah ibne Umar narrates that he heard Rasulullah say:

“Mu’awiya shall not die on the path of Islam”.

Both the above books on the same pages also record a similar hadith, this time narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah who testified that he heard Rasulullah (s) say:

“At the time of his death, Mu’awiya shall not be counted as member of my Muslim Ummah”


We read in Ansab al Ashraf Volume 5 page 132 that Rasulullah (s) said:

“From this door shall enter a man from my Ummah who shall be raised with another Ummah on the Day of Judgment, at that point Mu’awiya came through the door”


It is recorded in Tarikh Tabari, Volume 5 page 622 that Rasulullah (s) said:

“Verily Mu’awiya shall be in the deepest part of Hell from where he shall shout ‘Ya Hanan, Ya Manan’ verily I have sinned and spread fitnah throughout the earth”.

Similarly find in Ansab al Ashraf Volume 5 page 132 that Rasulullah (s) said:

“Mu’awiya has a coffin in the deepest part of Hell, one that has a lock on it”.

In addition, in Waq’at Sifeen page 217, we learn that Abdullah ibne Umar had also condemned Mu’awiya as follows:

“Verily Mu’awiya’s coffin is in the deepest part of Hell, Had Firawn not declared that he was the most superior God, nobody would have been in a deeper part of Hell than Mu’awiya”.


According to the prediction of Holy Prophet (s), the gathering of Mu’awiya and Amr bin al-Ass is the sign of evil as they can never gather for a good cause. We read the following episode in famed Sunni work al-Eqd al-Fareed, Volume 1:

It is narrated that when Amro bin al-A’as went to Mu’awya and stood beside him in Ali’s case after (Mu’awya) gave him Egypt as a booty. He (Amro bin Al-A’s) said to him (Mu’awiya): ‘There is a honorable and well reputed man in your country, if he stands beside you, you will own the hearts of the people, he is Ubada bin al-Samit.’
Mu’awiya sent to him, so when he (Ubada) arrived, (Mu’awiya) made space for Ubada between him and Amro bin al-A’as, then he (Ubada) sat between them.
Then Mu’awiya praised Allah and then he mentioned the merits of Ubada and his vanguard of Islam, then he mentioned the merits of Uthman and whatever had happened to him, then he motivated (Ubada) to stand beside him. Ubada said: ‘I heard what you said, do you know why I sat between you in your place?’ They said: ‘Yes, because of your honor, virtue and your vanguard of Islam. He (Ubada) said: ‘By Allah, that is not why I sat between you, and I would never sit between you in your place, but when we were marching along with the Prophet (s) for Tabuk battle, he looked at both of you walking talking. So He (s) looked at us and said: ‘If you see them gathered, separate them because they never gather for the good.”


Ishaq and Bakr bin Haytham from Abdurazaq bin Hamam from Mu’amar from Ibn Taous from Taous bin Kisan from Abdullah Ibn Amr ibn Al-’as who stated: ‘I was sitting with the Prophet of Allah (s) when He (s) said: ‘A man will come out of this mountain pass, who will die and he will be outside my nation (Islam)’. I had left behind my father there for wudhu, and I feared, as if holding back my urine, that he would be the one to come, but Mu’awiya came out. The Prophet (s) said: ‘He is the one’.
Ansab al-Ashraf, Volume 2 page 120


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