Thursday, May 25, 2017

Syed Ali Khamenei’s Fatwa for Unity

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei recently issued a religious decree condemning any insult to Sunni Muslims dignitaries. The leader’s fatwa, issued on Oct. 3, was highly welcomed by the Muslim world and drew the attention of the most prestigious religious centers, including Cairo’s Al-Azhar University.

Here is a news published on a Muslim News Website on 2nd , 3rd of October 2010. This website is backed by The Union Of Islamic World Students
Unity Between Shia and Sunni on Syed Ali Khamenei’s Fatwa
Ayatollah Khamenei: Insulting Sunni Dignitaries Unlawful
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei recently issued a religious decree condemning any insult to Sunni Muslims dignitaries. The leader’s fatwa, issued on Oct. 3, was highly welcomed by the Muslim world and drew the attention of the most prestigious religious centers, including Cairo’s Al-Azhar University.
“Desecrating the religious dignitaries of Sunni brothers, including accusations to the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is haram (unlawful),” Ayatollah Khamenei was quoted as saying by Taghrib News Agency (TNA). The remarks made by Iran’s leader came in response to a question posed by Saudi clerics regarding a fatwa released by Kuwaiti Shiite cleric, Sheikh Yasser Al-Habib, considered offensive to Ayesha (RA). In a disciplinary measure, the Kuwaiti Cabinet announced its opposition to the sacrilege and annulled Habib’s citizenship.
Chancellor of al-Azhar University of Islamic sciences welcomed Fatwa (verdict) issued by the World Shia Leader, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, which bans any insult to the companions of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.) as well as his wives
Such insults have always been a source of controversy and dispute between Shia and Sunni Muslims and barred them from forging a robust unity against their common enemies, unlike a multitude of commonalities between the two sects.
Ahmad al-Tayyib wrote in a statement that the fatwa was prudent and timely and would help ram the door shut to seditions.

“I received the blessed Fatwa with appreciation,” he wrote.
He said it was incumbent on all Muslims to try to keep inter Muslim unity and no dispute between different Islamic sects should be allowed to harm the unity of Islamic ummah.
Tayyib also noted that Egypt has ever been at the forefront of every initiative for Muslim unity.
Western media have kept mum on the Fatwa.

Source: Rohama

 ” They have no options, their last effort is the shia sunni issue

then try to say the Islamic Republic (of Iran) is a Shia Republic and try to portray it against the great Sunni society(nations) and try to stir up sectarian tensions and bigotry This is an important and dangerous point, the are in fact doing! (corrupt) political hands are at work All of us must do our utmost, and put all our energy in destroying this plot of the opressive powers everybody must be alert! including all our nation, officials, religious students our hard working religious scholars who serve the people all must pay attention not to do or say anything that will help the plan of the enemies (of Islam) This obligation is also on the Sunni school of thought our Sunni brothers should also know the enemy’s plot is to stir up conflict and sectarianism (between us) to make brothers kill each other! nothing less than this! they too (Sunnis) must be awake and alert to this threat. ”


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