Saturday, May 27, 2017

Tarawih proven in most authentic Zaydi Shia book

Zaydi Imams who affirm the legality of Tarawih

Unlike in Twelver Shiism, one will find major scholars of the Zaydis (mostly non-Houthi-Jarudis who are border-line Rafidis) who strongly affirm the legality of the Tarawih prayer
Al-Intisar ‘ala ‘Ulama Al-Amsar (الانتصار على علماء الامصار) – The largest Zaydi book of Fiqh, an encyclopedia of comparative law of all schools of thought by Yahya ibn Hamzah an actual Arab descendant of ‘Ali ibn Musa Al-Rida, from San’aa Yemen.

On page 183, the great Zaydi Shia Imam Yahya ibn Hamzah cites a Sunni hadith and an authentic Zaydi hadith (from Musnad Zayd where ‘Ali instructs others how to pray Tarawih!) in support of the legality of Tarawih. He also mentions a famous narration where ‘Ali (during the caliphate of ‘Othman) saw lanterns shining in the mosque (i.e. during Ramadan Tarawih prayers) and said, ‘May Allah have mercy upon ‘Omar, he made our mosques shine with Nour (light). May Allah shine his grave with Nour (light).’
On page 184 (and 185), the great Zaydi Shia Imam Yahya ibn Hamzah refutes the attack of some Zaydis on Sayyiduna ‘Omar ibn Al-Khattab. Some of the Zaydis – like the Twelver Rafidah Shia – either due to their ignorance or bias, misuse a famous statement of ‘Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) regarding the Tarawih prayer (‘What an excellent innovation this is …’) claiming that ‘Omar himself affirmed that it is his innovation. 
On page 185, the great Zaydi Shia Imam Yahya ibn Hamzah strongly criticises fellow Zaydis for their rejection of Tarawih. He argues that it is an established Sunnah, prayed by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and other Sahabah and that opposing hadiths must be reconciled instead of the Sunnah [of Tarawih] being rejected.

On page 186, the great Zaydi Shia Imam Yahya ibn Hamzah emphasises the legality of Tarawih and that it is an established Sunnah according to great Imams and jurists of Ahl Al-Bayt such as: Imam Zayd ibn ‘Ali, ‘Abdullah ibn Al-Hassan and ‘Abdullah ibn Musa ibn Ja’far (i.e. Al-Sadiq).
As a side note: He also defends the famous Al-Duhaa prayer which all Twelver Rafidah consider a bid’ah (yes, the irony …) and some Zaydis too. He mentions that it (i.e. Salah Al-Duhaa) is indeed an established Sunnah according to great Imams and jurists of Ahl Al-Bayt such as ‘Ali ibn Al-Hussein (Zayn Al-‘Abidin), Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir and others.


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