Monday, September 21, 2015

Firqa Parsti is Lanat

Our INDIA-PAKISTAN's culture is that bad, if someone is start to talk about "Ahle Bait", the people will label him as a "Shia", if someone talk about "tawleed" then he be label as "wahabi", if someone talk about "sahaba", then he be a label as a "deobandi" if someone talk about "love for Prophet muhammad (saw)" then he be label as a "barelvi"
It is dogma created by the "maulvis" for money to take people away from "HAQ".
If some a reciting ayah of quran: ►Iyya qana budu wa iyya qanastaen◄, then people will say he is doing wahabi act. (does Quran is written by wahabi) it is a quran o sunnah stuff.
Likewise if i start talking from the bukhari about the fazail-e-ahle bait and extreme dictatorship of banu-umayay then i be called as Rafidi, why! i am not doing this by myself its in bukhari-muslim, !
mazallah astagfirullah
SO to kill these issue in this ummat there was a "great" scholar imam Muhammad bin idris as-shafi'i(rh)(204H), his arabic poem is enought to kills all this issue. which is in sahih sanad in many asma-o-rijal books, even in the book of imam dhahabi(745H)-"Tarikh-ul-Islam" he copied the poem, the translation is like that:
If loving ahle bait is to be a Rafidi, world should be witness me for being a Rafidi.
__________ Imam shafi'i(ra).
now my addition:
if imam shafi'i is alive here so i would say to him:"Sheikh sahab please add my words too:
if loving prophet(saw) is called barelviat, world should be witness i am barelvi. if sahaba's aqeedat is deobandiat: world should be witness i am deobandi. if talking the manhaj of quran-hadith on the understanding of salaf-saliheen,not caring for anyone, and making Allah and Rasul(saw) final authority is ahle hadith/salafi,world should be witness i am ahle hadith-salafi. if someone talk against firqa parasti: World should be witness i am maududiat.
Firqa parasti is not a bidat or shirk. It is a "Lanat"
Firqa parasti is a lanat.

May Allah protect us from fanaticism and show the truth.

______My brother and ustad Muhammad Ali Mirza bhai


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