Monday, September 21, 2015

Rafulyadain ibn masud(ra) hadith week & Rafulyadain Proved[lang en/hin-ur]

►The whole muslims ummah(ahle sunnah all sect in it, Shia, karji, yazidi, etc) is on the stage that rafayadain is a part of the salah expect the hanafi(deobandi, barelvi) and Qadiani

►People(the anti-rafaydain peeps) ask me that: Is rafayadin sunnah and    what of i dont act?  ANSWER:- bro the thing is that is sunnah or not is different thing but your namaz/salah is not the salah of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.

►They(hanafi,qadiani) present a hadith of imam abdullah ibn masud(ra) that:
“Alqamah (rahimahullah) reports: Abdullah bin Mas’ood once asked them: Shall I perform for you the salat of Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)? So he performed the salat and lifted his hands only at the beginning of the salat Abu Esa said hadeeth of Ibne Masood is hasan hadeeth”
[this hadith is weak by every muhaddith. u can cross check this reference:here]

Now, if we suppose this hadith is sahih(in fact, this is a weak hadith but fro the sake of argument) then still doing rafayadain will be bcoz also many it is proven from many sahabi inluding umar ra, ali ra, ibn umar ra, abu huarira ra, malik bin huwairis ra, wail bin hujar ra, etc
in every hadith book that exist have hadith on rafayadain every single one.

►Second reason is that: from abdullah bin zubair ra it is proven that he use to place his hand on the sides and this hadith sahih. but placing hand on chest is superior coz it proven from more sahabis ra. so as the same the rafadain doing is also superior if still we accept ibn masud to be sahih.

"Sallu Kama Ra'aytumuni Usalli"
Rasullah(saw) said: "Offer your Salat the way you see me Performing them" [Bukhari 631]


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